domenica 22 luglio 2012

Preferisco la mia follia al tuo finto buonismo, la mia incoerenza alla tua falsità, la mia ironia alla tua tristezza, e soprattutto preferisco la sincerità del mio sorriso alla tua curva di convenienza. 
(by DiscoNected)

martedì 8 maggio 2012

lunedì 7 maggio 2012

life is driving me crazy and I'm so close to give in...
not all our decisions seem reasonable for everyone...
but if someone makes you become something you don't want to be, it is better to leave without giving explanations... only you know...

venerdì 2 marzo 2012

falling into a deep hole and not even wanting anyone to help me get out of it again..

sabato 21 gennaio 2012

Experience tells me that men will always find a way to deceive you.
So - be QUICKER!
I'm much more afraid of actually finding someone with whom a relationship could work than of being hurt by some random guy...